Büroraum für Startups
Swiss Location Award by eventlokale.ch – Ausgezeichnet 2024
Event-Location Technopark Winterthur
WORKERIA – unser Coworking-Angebot
ASCENT Startup Accelerator
RUNWAY Incubator
Kurse & Coachings
FABLAB Winti – Makerspace
Der Technopark
Über uns

Startup Stories: Meet the Founders at RUNWAY Startup Incubator

In this Startup Stories, you will get the chance to meet founders from the RUNWAY Startup Incubator. Our incredible founders will share their experiences about pitching to investors, how they started their company and what you should look out for when doing the same. And of course: you get the chance to ask all your burning questions about startup life, the founding process and anything else you are curious about!

More information about the speakers will follow.


The event takes place at the Technopark Winterthur in the conference hall, followed by an apéro at the Technopark Bistro. The event will be held in English.


This Startup Stories event is powered by Innosuisse, is organized in collaboration with the RUNWAY Startup IncubatorTECHNOPARK® Winterthur and the Impact Hub Zurich.

Startup Stories
29. April 2025,
18:00 - 22:00 Uhr
Technopark Winterthur, Technoparkstrasse 2, 8406 Winterthur
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